
Types of Headaches

Many of us are familiar with some form of the throbbing, uncomfortable, and distracting headaches . The World Health Organization points out that nearly everyone experiences a headache once in a while. Although headaches can be defined as pain “in any region of the head,” the cause, duration, and intensity of this pain can vary according to the type of headache. If your headache is less severe, read on to learn how to identify the type of headache you may be experiencing and what you can do to ease your symptoms. Causes Migraine headache is caused by inflammation or irritation of structures that surround the brain or affect its function. While the brain itself has no pain nerve fibers, everything else above the shoulders, from the neck, skull, and face, can cause a person to have of head pain. Systemic illnesses, including infection or dehydration, can have associated headache. These are known as toxic headache. Changes in circulation and blood flow or trauma can also caus

Pregnancy and Migraine

Migraineheadaches  are a type of vascular headache that results from blood vessels dilating directly in the brain. These are different from stress or tension headaches. Migraine headaches are like the lottery when it comes to pregnancy. If you were prone to getting migraines before getting pregnant, you may experience stronger headaches, or you may find that they diminish during pregnancy. It is also normal to experience your first migraine when you are pregnant. Here is everything you need to know. Causes of Migraine Headaches What exactly causes  migraine headaches  isn't known. But, migraines appear to involve changes in nerve pathways, neurochemicals, and blood flow in the brain. Researchers believe that overly excited brain cells stimulate a release of chemicals. These chemicals irritate blood vessels on the brain's surface. That, in turn, causes blood vessels to swell and stimulate the pain response. Estrogen is thought to play a role in migraines. That's

Health Benefit from Cold Temperature

When the weather dips into the single digits, most of us want to do absolutely nothing but dive back under the covers. And it’s all  for a good reason: With extreme cold weather comes health hazards like frostbite, seasonal affective disorder and even an increased risk of heart attacks. Now that the thermostat is dropping and sweater weather has arrived let’s try to look on the bright side. Cold weather, believe it or not, has quite a number of positives in the form of health benefits . Read on to learn how the cold can actually help you feel better!       1.       Help Fat Loss Humans have stores of active brown fat tissue (BAT). Unlike white fat, which stores energy and comprises most body fat, brown fat is active in burning calories and using energy.BAT can essentially turn calories from food into heat. It generates heat by uncoupling proteins, particularly UCP1, within the mitochondrial membrane.Indeed, studies show that cold exposure increases BAT activity which leads

Top US Healthcare Positions

We're always striving for better health, and the people who hold some of the jobs on the 2018 Best Health Care Jobs list can help you breathe, eat, walk, speak, hear, move and see better. They can also help patients prevent disease, illness and injury, as well as diagnose, fight and treat illness. Many of the highest-paying jobs are among the Best Health Care Jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment growth in this sector will be much quicker than the average for all jobs by 2026. Here are the top US healthcarepositions .       1.       Registered Nurse One of the most in-demand careers in the entire US, registered nurses are projected to generate over 580,000 new jobs by 2018. This does not count the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will become available when older nurses retire. Those following the path toward becoming a registered nurse will find many job prospects and great opportunities.        2.       Medical Assistant Medical assist

Healthcare Ransomware

Ransomware  is malicious software that encrypts or removes access to computer files until a ransom payment is made. In an incredibly short amount of time ransomware has grown from fringe cyber-attack to widespread epidemic. Researchers saw an average of over 4,000 ransomware attacks per day in Q1 2016 – a stunning 300% increase over the attacks they saw in 2015. An estimated $325 million in ransom payments has been generated by just one type of ransomware alone, CryptoWall 3.02, and with the success of several high-profile attacks on hospitals, criminals are increasingly targeting healthcare providers.And when attacks do happen, the damage can be devastating. The loss of access to patient records alone can result in critical services being suspended and communication grinding to a halt. Historically, following most data breaches, cybercriminals put the sensitive user information accumulated from the attack up for sale on the dark web. Depending upon the type of personal inf

Healthcare Hardware Device

Open-source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so anyone can study, modify, distribute, make and sell the design or the hardware based on that same design. Some open-source hardware projects can potentially be used as active medical devices. The open-source approach offers a unique combination of advantages, including reducing costs and faster innovation. A wide range of open-source hardware that includes healthcare sensors and low-cost single-board computers are readily available on the consumer market. It has a large community of supporters, and there are open software libraries available to simplify many tasks.       1.       Tablet PCs and Notepads Tablet PCs are becoming one of the most popular healthcare hardware options for medical offices and hospitals. Their lightweight portability allows physicians to carry the machine with them during procedures and patient visits, giving them the opportunity to document and chart electronically and wi

Treatment for Cerebral Palsy Reduce Muscle tightness

Cerebralpalsy (CP) is experienced in different ways for each child diagnosed, but muscle issues are generally a common symptom of all children with the disorder. Muscles are often too stiff or move in spastic ways. They can become rigid or move in a way that is uncoordinated. The stiffness, rigidity, and spasms that many children and adults with CP experience are disruptive, uncomfortable, and even painful, or interfere with swallowing and breathing. There are numerous treatments and therapies for spastic cerebral palsy, ranging from therapeutic and supportive treatments to surgical and medical interventions to decrease functional impairments and muscle-stress symptoms. Here are some treatment options for CP. Physical therapy The first type of treatment for CP is physical therapy. The goal of physical therapy is to provide as much independence to the child as possible. This treatment is centered on flexibility exercises and stretching out stiff muscles.Physical therapists w