
Showing posts with the label Driving Focus

What's Causing You to Lose Your Driving Focus

Driving requires a tremendous amount of focus and your complete attention. Distracted driving affects all drivers and can come with dangerous consequences. However, unfocused driving does not affect all drivers the same. Some take more risks and pay less attention to road thus increasing their risk for disaster. Understanding what is at stake and how even the smallest distractions can affect your ability to drive could prevent a serious accident. After you’ve been driving for a while you get comfortable and simply forget just how dangerous it can bebecause you’re complacent to the risks of driving. As a result, you’re more likely to feel like you can send a quick text message or daydream without putting yourself in danger. Compounding the problem are other states of mind like rushing, frustration and fatigue. All of these can further contribute to taking your eyes and mind off the task of driving and influence your decisions to do things when driving. Here is what causes you to lose y