
Showing posts with the label Health Literacy

Health Literacy Tips for Providers

How can you be sure your patients understand the health information you pass on to them? By focusing on health literacy , doctors, nurses and other clinicians can better help patients comprehend complex health information-something of critical importance given today’s transformative healthcare environment. The definition of health literacy is evolving. It used to be about problems or lack of skills that patients had in medical settings, and it has evolved into looking at the alignment between the demands and complexities of health care systems with the needs and abilities of patients, families, caregivers and anyone receiving health information.Here are the practical health literacy tips for providers.       1.       Don’t panic First of all, literacy is very complex.  All people have a range of literacy skills and processes.  Only a few of these are captured by any assessment. Consider smart phones.  They’re everywhere, and they require reading and writing.  If your pat

Health Literacy Tips

The Institute of Medicine defines health literacy as “the degree to which individuals can obtain, process, and understand the basic information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions.” Studies show that health literacy is a strong predictor of health status. Inadequate health literacy can lead to numerous negative effects on an individual’s health and well-being, including poor self-care, increased utilization of health services, and decreased likelihood of receiving preventive care and services. Poor communication with patients also contributes to reduced patient satisfaction and engagement. Health information can be confusing even for those with advanced literacy skills. How are health care providers making health care information easier to grasp? There are many ways a provider can offer health care information to a patient to ensure understanding, depending on which type of learner you are. ● Visual learners  — Learn best by looking at picture

Nutritional Values of Brown Rice vs. White Rice

Rice is widely consumed all over the world and it is even deemed to be the staple food in most parts. This makes it an important food since it comes with nutrients for the body, the major being a major source of energy due to its high concentration of carbohydrates and starch. Depending on the type of rice in terms of strains, either being white or brown, and the quality of soil in which it is grown,nutrients may be altered. Brown rice and white rice differ in many ways although white rice typically starts as brown rice by undergoing the milling processes to remove the husks, brans, and germs. By getting to know the differences, one is able to know the health impact of rice being consumed. Vitamins and Minerals Rice contains vitamin B6 and  the following minerals ·          Thiamine ·          Niacin ·          Manganese ·          Magnesium ·          Phosphorus ·          Iron ·          Zinc Brown rice is known to have more vitamins and minerals than whi

Health Literacy in the U.S.

Health literacy is the ability of someone to acquire and understand health services and health information to help him or her make perfect health decisions. Health literacy is very important for every individual since at some point in our lives, we may need to have the ability to find, process, understand and also use health information and services. Taking care of your health is part of everyday life. You don’t just take care of your health when you visit a hospital or clinic. Health literacy can help you prevent health problems, manage your health and even manage situations that may arise due to health problems. You should know that people who lack skills needed to manage their health and prevent disease pose dangers to their lives and lives of people they are caring for. Health literacy is measured in levels or groups such as: ·          Proficient ·          Intermediate ·          Basic ·          Low basic Public health systems and healthcare institutions play a big r