
Showing posts with the label Healthy

Health Benefit from Cold Temperature

When the weather dips into the single digits, most of us want to do absolutely nothing but dive back under the covers. And it’s all  for a good reason: With extreme cold weather comes health hazards like frostbite, seasonal affective disorder and even an increased risk of heart attacks. Now that the thermostat is dropping and sweater weather has arrived let’s try to look on the bright side. Cold weather, believe it or not, has quite a number of positives in the form of health benefits . Read on to learn how the cold can actually help you feel better!       1.       Help Fat Loss Humans have stores of active brown fat tissue (BAT). Unlike white fat, which stores energy and comprises most body fat, brown fat is active in burning calories and using energy.BAT can essentially turn calories from food into heat. It generates heat by uncoupling proteins, particularly UCP1, within the mitochondrial membrane.Indeed, studies show that cold exposure increases BAT activity which leads