
Showing posts with the label Leaky Gut Autoimmune Disease Autoimmune Disease health

Leaky Gut : Symptoms and Autoimmune Disease

The GI condition commonly known as “ leaky gut syndrome ” has been gaining a lot of attention lately for several reasons:A growing body of research has linked leaky gut to a number of “seemingly unrelated” health concerns and chronic diseases.As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut has reached epidemic proportions.The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition even exists!This last point is especially shocking because “intestinal permeability” has been discussed in the medical literature for over 100 years! Symptoms Having leaky gut is essentially like having the gates broken from your intestines to your blood stream so many of these particles that should never have been able to enter have now gotten through.  When this happens it causes inflammation throughout your body leading to a variety of diseases. According to a study published in a Norwegian