While some of the flight attendants were men, most were women, so this is not just a case of discrimination by men, but discrimination by women against other women, particularly women “of color”. In Australia at least, the majority of medical students are now female, yet discrimination still abounds, and ironically, women are a big part of this. We say that we would prefer to have a female doctor for ourselves, yet when it comes to power and authority, some women are happy to hand the power over to men. Most powerful positions – heads of department, board members and official positions in our colleges – are held by men. Medicine is still a men’s club, and women are allowing this. Dr. Tamika Cross, a black woman and OBGYN from Houston, was on a returning flight home and Delta Airlines initially refused her to see another passenger who needed medical attention because a flight attendant didn’t think she fit what a doctor looked like.Cross details the flight attendant’s in...