Link Between Bad Habit and Cancer

Cancers caused by smoking, drinking and excessive sunbathing have soared in the past decade, official research has revealed. The figures, released by the Office for National Statistics, reveal large increases in the incidence of so called “lifestyle” related cancers.The biggest rise has been in the rate of skin cancer, which has increased by 56% among men and 38% among women since 2002. Experts at the ONS blamed changes in fashion, 

which has seen people wear more revealing clothing in recent years, along with increased levels of sunbathing and sun bed use. Oral cancers, which have been linked to smoking and poor diet, have increased by 37% while kidney cancer has increased by 25% in men and 36% in women. These are thought to be linked to drinking alcohol. Here are some habits that have the strongest link to cancer.

Excessive stress

It’s hard to not have some type of stress in your life. We all have stressors from work, family, and just the day-to-day trials of life. However, excessive and frequent stress can put you at risk for cancer. Researchers even found that some cancers could be linked to work stress. Lung cancer is thought to be linked to work-related stress. One reaction your body might have to constant stress at work is increased heart rate and breathing faster. If you’re constantly facing work pressure, this can put stress on your lungs and cause complications with your respiratory system over time, according to the Lung Institute.

  Heavy drinking

Having an alcoholic beverage every now and then might not hurt you. However, heavy drinking can put your health at risk. Overdoing it with the alcohol raises your risk of developing cancer of the breast, colon, esophagus, larynx, liver, mouth, and throat, according to American Cancer Society. The more you drink, the higher your chances are of developing these cancers. Alcohol raises cancer risk because it can act as an irritant. Cells can become damaged by the alcohol and might try to repair themselves. Consequently, this could result in DNA changes that can lead to cancer.

3. Sitting on your butt too much

You’ve been told ad nauseum the importance of daily exercise. You’ve been counseled to work up to 30-60 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous exercise. “Physical activity lowers risk for colorectal, postmenopausal breast, and endometrial cancers. Studies also are showing that people who are sedentary tend to have biomarkers for increased risk of inflammation, which, if chronic, can increase your cancer risk,” says Alice G. Bender, MS, RDN, Associate Director for Nutrition Programs, American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR).

A study just released in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found a higher risk for three types of cancer—colon, endometrial, and lung—when comparing people with the highest levels of sedentary behavior to those with the lowest. And, the risk increased with each 2-hour increase in sitting time.

4.Working the night shift
A 2013 study reported in the British Medical Journal found that night-shift work increased the risk of breast cancer. After looking at 2,300 women—some of whom worked at night, some of whom didn’t—researchers found that those who had worked nights for 30 or more years were twice as likely to have developed the disease. Researchers believe melatonin suppression is the strongest link between night-shift work and cancer risk, but acknowledge that sleep disturbances, upset body rhythms, vitamin D, and lifestyle differences may also play a role.

5  Obesity
Being a few pounds overweight might not do much harm, but being obese is a different story. Obesity raises your risk of developing cancer of the breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, and pancreas, according to the American Cancer Society. Furthermore, having too much belly fat has been linked with a higher risk of colon and rectal cancer, as well as a higher risk of cancers of the pancreas, endometrium, and breast.

There are several tools available to help you learn more about reducing your cancer risk or to take care of yourself if you have received a cancer diagnosis. Make sure to stay away from these bad and harmful habits and you should be alright.


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